Cancer Treatment Registry


Cancer Statistics

    In order to generate meaningful statistics we need a large number of participants.We are sorry that we don't currently have the data you want and need. That is why this research project has been started. We have to start from scratch because no one is currently doing a comprehensive analysis of all possible treatments and all combinations. You can help us by registering and letting us know what cancer treatments you are using and how effective they are. With the number of new people getting a cancer diagnosis every year, it will not take long until we can provide useful data. The other way you can help is by telling as many people as you can to also register their treatment experiences.

    Until we get statistics relavant to each treatment, this link will give the National Cancer Institute's Mortality Statistics



Newest Member   User name: JohnD
  Location: Add Other Location     
  Washington, 98382 Age: 77

Newest Treatment MSQ Nutritional Therapy
Type: Nutritional

Most Viewed Carnivora
Type: Herbal

Most Used Treatment Surgery
Type: Surgery

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