Cancer Treatment Registry


Eggplant Extract

Category: Nutritional

Other Names: BEC, BEC5

The first reported study compared the effects of a topical eggplant extract called BEC with a placebo on two different types of skin cancer—basal cell and squamous cell—and actinic keratosis, a condition characterized by small, rough, yellow or brownish patches of skin that almost always occur on sun-exposed skin of individuals over 50.2
Thirty individuals had basal cell cancers, usually a form that spreads locally if untreated. All 28 of the patients using BEC had complete regression of all of their basal cell cancers (some had more than one) in three to 13 weeks. None of the patients using placebo had improvement after 14 weeks.

Twenty of the volunteers had squamous cell cancers, a form which starts and spreads locally but can metastasize. Again, all of the patients using BEC (20 this time) had complete regression of their squamous cell cancers in three to 11 weeks. There were no placebo treatments in this group.

The actinic keratosis group experienced the same effects: Of the 24 in the BEC-treated group, 100 percent had complete regression, this time in just one week to a month. None of the 12 patients using placebo had any improvement at all in 14 weeks.
In another small study, which used a slightly different version of BEC called BEC2, 13 individuals with 24 basal cancers had 83 percent of those cancers comletely regress in less than two months. Five people with squamous cell cancers also had 83 percent of their cancers completely regress within one to three months. And eight individuals with actinic keratoses had 100 percent regression in just two to six weeks.

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