Cancer Treatment Registry


Essiac tea

Category: Herbal

One of the oldest and most highly regarded of all alternative cancer treatments. Composed of Burdock, Indian Rhubarb, Sheep Sorrel, Slippery Elm, and sometimes other ingredients depending on the manufacturer. Note that some companies are substituting yellow dock herb or curly dock herb these days for the sheep sorrel. This is not acceptable. Essiac was used by a Canadian nurse, Rene Caisse (Essiac is her name spelled backward) to successfully treat thousands of cancer patients starting in the 1920s. Claiming the formula was given to her by Canadian Ojibway Indians, she worked tirelessly with cancer patients for decades never charging them a penny. Her reputation grew along with her success much to the displeasure of the Canadian medical profession, and they had her arrested and jailed many times for 'practicing medicine without a license'. At her funeral in 1978 at age 90, hundreds of former cancer patients attended and paid their last respects to her for saving their lives.

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