Cancer Treatment Registry


Far Infrared Therapy

Category: Energy Medicine

Similar to Coley's Toxins and the success of Dr. Josef Issels (see both above), Far Infrared Heat actually helps kill cancer cells, increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduces the side effects of toxic conventional treatments. In this approach, heat caused by Far Infrared energy artificially raises the temperature of the whole body or specific body part. Far infrared heat energy penetrates deeply-four to five centimeters into the skin, the body’s largest detoxifying organ. Its molecular vibrations 'jiggle' the tissues and speed up metabolic exchanges between cells. At the same time, it boosts the body’s regenerative abilities and decreases pain by increasing circulation. Vancouver naturopathic physician Jim Chan, who has treated about 5,000 cancer patients, explains that far infrared therapy has the ability to 'break up the protective rings around harmful molecules' in the body so they’re no longer cancer causing. It also weakens the bonds between toxins and human tissues; so stored toxins can be flushed out of the system faster and in greater quantities through the skin via sweating, the liver and the bowels.

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