Cancer Treatment Registry


Gerson Diet

Category: Nutritional

A rigorous but effective nutritional approach to fighting disease. Max Gerson (1881-1958) became a doctor in Germany in 1907. He developed his diet and detoxification treatments for cancers in a round-about way. He initially began experimenting with diet to treat his own recurrent migraine headaches, and it worked. Gerson began to treat other patients with skin tuberculosis and other chronic diseases such as arthritis, heart disease, chronic sinusitis, ulcers, colitis, high blood pressure, and psoriasis. In 1928, a woman with cancer came to Gerson and asked him to treat her. Up to this time, Gerson had not treated any cancer patients and knew little about cancer. The woman insisted and Gerson instructed her on his diet regime. Her cancer responded well. Other cancer patients came to Gerson for treatments, some experiencing tumor reduction and/or cancer retardation until 1933 when Gerson was forced out of Germany by Hitler. Because he had observed that impaired liver function always predated the appearance of cancer, he believed that the key to recovery was to restore proper function of the liver. This was done through detoxification. Gerson also believed it important to restore a proper sodium/potassium balance as well as provide oxygen to the cells.

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Doctors using this treatment.

Name: Gerson
Clinic Name:
Location: San Diego, 92101 The Gerson Institute


Newest Member   User name: JohnD
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  Washington, 98382 Age: 77

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