Cancer Treatment Registry


HANSI Therapy

Category: Homeopathic

HANSI is a general term Argentinean botanist Juan Hirschmann gave to his family of homeopathic based treatments for a wide range of diseases, including cancer, AIDS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, arthritis, asthma, and hepatitis. Early experiments in the 1970's led to successful treatments for animal cancers. In July of 1990, he opened his first clinic in Buenos Aires and began treating human cancer patients with HANSI. Hirschmann and his team of physicians have now treated nearly 100,000 Argentineans in three Buenos Aires clinics, and they state that HANSI has produced positive results with every kind of cancer treated. Although the medical evidence from Argentina is largely derived from retrospective chart reviews and testimonials, it is massive, more than enough to justify serious consideration. HANSI International, Ltd., is a Bahamian company with production and worldwide distribution rights to all of Juan Hirschmann's homeopathics. It maintains its production facility in Freeport, Grand Bahamas, and imports its product under the FDA's personal use exemption rule. HANSI International, Ltd. has kept a relatively low profile while it completes requisite studies.

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