Cancer Treatment Registry



Category: Nutritional

Other Names: retine, carbonyl, glyoxal

n an interview in Prevention magazine in 1972 conducted by Jane Kinderlehrer, he explained that he and "Dr. Egyud have found that retine (methylglyoxal) stops the growth of cancer cells without poisoning other cells. When retine is present in sufficient concentration, no cell division can occur while vital cellular processes go on unhindered."

The article goes on, "And what is a good bit of luck, and not my cleverness, the white-haired scientist pointed out, "is that if a cancer cell cannot grow, it dies by itself.' According to the researchers, retine is normally produced by the body and, when it is, it prevents the growth of existing cancer cells. But the body can lose its ability to produce this substance...

"Putting the retine back in the body, just as we put insulin back into a diabetic's body, can stop the growth of cancer... The scientists at Woods Hole found that cancer cells are much more sensitive to retine than normal ones, and so cancer cells may be inhibited specifically."

To sum it up, the Carbonyl group - Glyoxal & Methylglyoxal, are retine. They arrest cell division and make cells return to a resting state. If Carbonyl is missing, uncontrolled proliferation goes on, and cells grow wildly and uncontrollably which leads to cancer. Glyoxal & Methylglyoxal are a non-toxic substance that is supposed to be in your cells. Putting them back in your cells has significant anti-cancer activity.

Google it: Methylglyoxal

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