Cancer Treatment Registry


Naessen 714X

Category: Nutritional

714-X is a substance containing camphor, nitrogen, ammonium salts, sodium chloride, and ethanol, and was developed in Canada by French-born scientist Gaston Naessens. Early in his career, Naessens developed the somatoscope, a special microscope capable of examining the blood at extremely high magnifications. Using the somatoscope, he claimed to have discovered tiny living organisms called somatids in the blood of people with serious diseases, including cancer. He believed that these somatids were responsible for the development of disease, and he set out to find a way to eliminate or disable them. Proponents claim that 714-X is capable of curing cancer and AIDS by interfering with the flow of somatids through the bloodstream. It is further claimed that cancer cells produce a substance called co-cancerogenic K factor (CKF), which protects them from the immune system. 714-X supposedly strips CKF by supplying the body with nitrogen and leaves tumor cells vulnerable to attack by the immune system. Although used as an alternative method in Canada, Western Europe, and Mexico to treat cancer, AIDS, and other diseases for decades, it is not allowed to be used in the United States.

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