Cancer Treatment Registry


Kelley Metabolic Therapy

Category: Specific Doctor

Other Names: Pancreatic enzymes

The Kelley Metabolic diet. Special mention is required here regarding Dr. Donald Kelley DDS, an under-appreciated dentist, scientist, researcher and humanitarian. In the 1970s he pioneered a breakthrough diet system based on body types. His system, modified to include certain pancreatic enzymes, has proven amazingly successful against cancer. As his reputation spread, thousands of cancer sufferers sought him out. Despite his proven success, he endured endless harassment by a host of government agencies claiming he was practicing medicine without a license and guilty of 'other charges'. He was a dentist - not an MD they claimed. No matter his methods of curing cancer had an astonishing success rate of over 90% within 6 months for those that follow his program exactly. Meticulous records kept over the years back up that statistic. This wonderful man is still with us, but now retired. His breakthrough work is being continued by Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez in New York, complete with funding now from the U.S. government so that he may officially 'research and develop' a system identical to Dr. Kelley's. Such is the politics of cancer in the USA. May God bless Dr. Kelley. It is indeed hoped he will live to get the long-overdue credit this pioneering genius and humanitarian deserves. You can read his book 'One Answer to Cancer' online at no charge. See

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Doctors using this treatment.

Name: Steven MacPherson ND
Clinic Name: The Leo J. Bolles Clinic
Location: Bellevue, 98008


Newest Member   User name: JohnD
  Location: Add Other Location     
  Washington, 98382 Age: 77

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