Cancer Treatment Registry



Category: Immunilogical

In healthy individuals Lactoferrin is a front-line defensive system that protects our body openings, such as eyes, mouth, nose and other orifices from infectious invasion. Lactoferrin has a unique ability to bind to iron, an essential mineral that a wide array of pathogens and tumors use for their reproduction and growth - especially cancer. Presented with an infectious challenge or tumor, a healthy body will respond by producing lactoferrin in copious quantities in the vicinity of the infection or tumor. Lactoferrin then binds with iron and renders it unavailable to the bacteria or the tumor, effectively starving the bacteria or the tumor. Individuals with cancer are almost uniformly immuno-suppressed and unfortunately, conventional cancer therapy doesn't tend to pay much attention to improving immune function. In fact, most conventional cancer therapies damage or suppress the immune system, the principal cancer fighting mechanism of the body. There are a many immune system boosting and restorative products available today that combine Lactoferrin with other proven ingredients.

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