Cancer Treatment Registry


Stabilized Aloe Vera

Category: Nutritional

In laboratory studies, aloe vera gel inhibited angiogenesis - the production of new blood vessels to feed tumors. Studies in test tubes and animals suggest that active substances in aloe leaf extracts (which contain both aloe gel and aloe latex) may have immunostimulant and anti-cancer effects. Aloe improves wound healing and inhibits inflammation. This information has inspired the production of one commercial substance for people with cancer which combines aloe leaf, honey, and gin. However, studies of the use of this substance in people are lacking and, therefore, the safety and effectiveness of this product is not known. Thousands of websites and hundreds of commercial products may claim all kinds of things regarding the benefits of aloe, but common sense should prevail. One fact cannot be denied though, humanity has used aloe for health concerns of many types for thousands of years.

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