Cancer Treatment Registry



Category: Immunilogical

Ukrain has been tested against 60 different human cancer cell lines at the National Cancer Institute in test tube experiments. In practically all cell lines a 100 percent growth inhibition was found. One possible mechanism is thought to be UkrainŽ increasing the oxygen consumption of both normal and malignant cells. But while oxygen consumption normalizes in healthy cells within 15 minutes, it overwhelms cancer cells, effectively killing them. UkrainŽ has also been shown to decrease DNA, RNA and protein synthesis in malignant cells. Although highly toxic to cancer cells, it shows little or no toxicity to non-cancerous cells in the test-tube. In mice, UkrainŽ is also a powerful biological response modifier (BRM), or stimulator of the immune system. Most scientists believe that cancer is accompanied by some degree of breakdown of the immune system and can be influence by improving that system. Unfortunately, therapy utilizing UkrainŽ is still very expensive.

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