Cancer Treatment Registry


Virginia Livingston therapy

Category: Immunilogical

Developed by Virginia Livingston-Wheeler, a U.S. medical doctor, this complex vaccine and nutrition-based cancer therapy assumes that cancer is caused by /Progenitor cryptocides/, a bacterium said to become active only when the body's immune system is weakened or stressed. Livingston-Wheeler discovered /Progenitor cryptocides /during the 1940s. In the following decade, she developed her theory that cancer is caused by this bacterium and then developed a vaccine against it. In 1969, she founded what is now the Livingston Foundation Medical Center in San Diego. In the years since then, this center claims to have treated more than 10,000 patients. Livingston-Wheeler died in 1990, but her clinic continues to offer the Livingston protocol to about 500 patients a year.

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