Cancer Treatment Registry



    By having cancer patients register and keep track of their treatment progress at this site we will be able to gather statistics about the effectiveness of their treatments. We want to know what works and what does not.

    After you register and verify your email address by clicking on the link that you are sent, you will be asked some questions about your cancer. Then you will be asked to select any of the cancer treatments that you are using or have used in the past. You can also submit any treatment that we don't already have listed. Any time you notice a change just sign in and you will be given an opportunity to update your status.

    We list currently list about 90 different treatments, so the site can also be used to research treatments that you might not know about.

    The site will also be available for doctors to submit their patient's information and a resource for them to advertise what treatments they participate in.

    Finally the most exciting part. Once we have gathered enough information, we will generate statistics about the effectiveness of the different treatment options. This will only work if enough of you participate and spread the word. And don't forget to tell you doctor.

    We do not advocate any particular treatment or treatment philosophy. This is a scientific investigation covering all treatment modalities.

    Register as a patient

    Register as a doctor

  • "Submit any suggestions or requests or questions."


Newest Member   User name: JohnD
  Location: Add Other Location     
  Washington, 98382 Age: 77

Newest Treatment MSQ Nutritional Therapy
Type: Nutritional

Most Viewed Carnivora
Type: Herbal

Most Used Treatment Chemotherapy
Type: Chemotherapy

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