Cancer Treatment Registry


pH Balancing

Category: Biological

The term pH refers to content of the Hydrogen proton. Or, some will claim percentage of Hydrogen. There are other definitions. In general chemistry, acidic compounds tend to expel oxygen, while alkaline or base compounds, the opposite of acid, absorb oxygen. A glass of vinegar and water will not absorb oxygen from the air, while a glass of baking soda in water will. pH puts a number on the degree of acidity. Many are convinced our modern diet, rich in acid-forming processed foods, especially refined sugar (one of the worst things a cancer patient can eat), is one of the reasons cancer rates have exploded in the last 100 years. Excessive acid conditions drive oxygen from the body. Many therapeutic diets are designed to counteract excess acidity. As a rule, all conventional foods are acid forming except vegetables and almost all fruits. Even whole grain breads, basic grains and cereals are acid forming. Alternative clinics and hospitals will use acid-neutralizing minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium to help correct acid/alkaline imbalances in the body. Excessive stress and highly negative emotions can even cause acid conditions.

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